Review of Staged Folklore: The National Folk Theatre of Ireland, by Susan H. Motherway and John O'Connell

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Aileen Dillane


Review of Staged Folklore: The National Folk Theatre of Ireland, by Susan H. Motherway and John O'Connell (Cork: Cork University Press, 2022), 318 pp., ISBN: 9781782055310, € 39 (hardcover)

Article Details

How to Cite
Dillane, Aileen. 2023. “Review of Staged Folklore: The National Folk Theatre of Ireland, by Susan H. Motherway and John O’Connell”. Review of Irish Studies in Europe 6 (1):80-81.
Review Section
Author Biography

Aileen Dillane, University of Limerick

Aileen Dillane is a lecturer in music at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, the University of Limerick. She has a PhD in ethnomusicology from the University of Chicago, where she was a Fulbright Scholar and Century Fellow. Her research interests include sociological understandings of music; ethnicity, identity and performativity in the traditional, vernacular and popular music of Ireland, North American and Australia; urban soundscapes; and music and the utopian impulse. She is co-founder and co-director of Limerick SoundScapes and of the Popular Music and Popular Culture, and the Power, Discourse and Society research clusters at the University of Limerick. Select publications include: with E. Devereux and M. Power, David Bowie: Critical Perspectives (2015); and 'Compositing identity, fiddling with (post-)ethnicity: Liz Carroll's "Lake Effect"', MUSICultures (2013, 40:1, pp. 7–34).